Wednesday, September 9, 2015

So Hum Mediation and its Tibetan Counterpart

So hum meditation is sitting in the silence.
I am less of a fan of Tibetan meditation than so hum meditation.
Hindu meditation is seedless meditation.
Tibetans imagine and listen and do work while they meditate.
Hindu mediation is seedless mediation.

So hum. So hum. We are here.
So hum. So hum. We are here.
So hum. So hum. We are nowhere but here.

Martin Luther was a monk before he was a dissident, he lived an extreme lifestyle of sleeping in the cold and fasting until he became severely ill.
Martin Luther then traveled to Rome and saw that the church hierarchy did not also sleep in the cold nor did they fast until becoming severely ill.

Hindu monks wear orange and I wish they did not wear orange.
I believe they wear orange as a form of stigma, it makes them look like filth.

The expectations  of monks, do we want monks to live in filth?
The expectations of the church hierarchy, do we want elders to live in filth?
Do we want anyone to live in filth?
Martin Luther after having become a dissident was for a while housed in a castle; one day he threw a cup against the wall and shouted, "We encounter the devil every day!"

Guru means "one who helps to sweep away debris".

If the Guru insists that his followers continue to wear orange….perhaps he is creating a demand for his own services. 

End Daily Mediation. Novena Week 1, Day 3. 
Washington, DC.  9,9. 2015. 

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