Monday, September 7, 2015

Format, Yogic Daily Meditations.

This is a sample of the daily mediations of a yogi; yogis think in terms of what they will endeavor to do and what they will endeavor not to do. I have only this morning completed a 15 day log of my answers to these questions.

What will I endeavor to do?
What will I endeavor not to do?

I will endeavor to reserve a copy of Marcus Aurelius' meditations from the library.
I need to finish the third of three Theban plays by Sophocles.
(Sophocles lived in 500BC Greece. Sun Tzu lived in 500BC China.)
I will endeavor to generate a list of ancient mathematicians.
(I will read their books.)
I will endeavor to put as much distance as possible between my fingertips and my sit bones when in Adho Mukha Svanasana.
I will endeavor to maintain eye contact when speaking, knowing that I already maintain eye contact when listening.

I will endeavor to not eat before noon.
I will endeavor to not eat what I know is not good for me.
I will endeavor to not fidget with my hands as I know there is nothing to be nervous about.

End Daily Meditation. Week 1, Day 1. Novena.

Labor Day, USA. 7,9. 2015. Washington, DC. 

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